Review: Roadmap of Terahertz Imaging 2021

Impressive review by G. Valušis et al. is published in Sensors (MDPI) journal. The roadmap article is focused on the most recent advances in THz imaging with particular attention paid to the optimization and miniaturization of the THz imaging system. Although the research on preparing the review haven’t received dedicated funding, the work covers the results of number of grants: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, contracts RO 770/40, /43 and /48, ME5034/2; Messer Stiftung, project “Orts- und zeitaufgelöste Spektroskopie an plasmonischen Strukturen mittels s-SNOM-Nanoskopie”, IRAP Programme of the Foundation for Polish Science (grant MAB/2018/9, project CENTERA), project KITKAS, founded by Lithuanian Research Council, LAT-04/2016. The work is accessible via DOI: 10.3390/s21124092

New Study on Antenna-Coupled Titanium Microbolometers

Newest study “Antenna-Coupled Titanium Microbolometers: Application for Precise Control of Radiation Patterns in Terahertz Time-Domain Systems” is published in Sensors journal from MDPI publisher. It was found that the studied Ti-microbolometers are convenient lensless sensors suitable to discriminate and control THz radiation pattern features in various wideband THz-TDS systems. The publication is open access and can be found through DOI:

New work by V. Janonis et al. is published in Optics Express

Most recent study by V. Janonis and co-authors “Spatial coherence of hybrid surface plasmon-phonon-polaritons in shallow n-GaN surface-relief gratings” is published in the highly ranked Optics Express journal from Optical Society of America (OSA) Publishing. Good agreement was achieved between experiment and theory paving a way for development of narrow-band thermal sources of coherent radiation in IR and THz ranges. The work was funded by the European Regional Development Fund according to the supported activity “Research Projects Implemented by World-class Researcher Groups” under the Measure No. 01.2.2-LMT-K-718-0047 through the Research Council of Lithuania (Lietuvos mokslo taryba) grant the “KOTERA-PLAZA” Project (No. DOTSUT-247).  Note, that this publication is Open Access and can be reached through this link:

Laser Micromachining Technology for AlGaN/GaN HEMTs and Schottky barrier diodes

Recent study “Laser Processing of Transparent Wafers with a AlGaN/GaN Heterostructures and High-Electron Mobility Devices on a Backside” was published by S. Indrašiūnas et al. in “Micromachines” Journal from MDPI publisher. In the thorough study laser ablation process was optimized and used to dice transparent wafers with AlGaN/GaN heterostructures with various electronic devices. The work was supported from the Research Council of Lithuania (Lietuvos mokslo taryba) through the “T-HP” Project (Grant No. DOTSUT-184) funded by the European Regional Development Fund according to the supported activity “Research Projects Implemented by World-class Researcher Groups” under the Measure No. 01.2.2-LMT-K-718-03-0096. The work can be reached through DOI:

Specialus 2020 m. FTMC apdovanojimas dr. Linui Minkevičiui

Visi sveikinimai šiandien keliauja mūsų laboratorijos vyresniajam moksliniam darbuotojui jaunajam akademikui daktarui Linui Minkevičiui, tapusiam 2020-ųjų metų laureatu specialiu apdovanojimu  ,,už proveržį kuriančią mokslinę-technologinę veiklą bei tapimą LMA Jaunosios akademijos nariu”.

Recent publication in Micromachines journal

Recent open access paper was published on 20th of December in the journal Micromachines (MDPI) entitled “AlGaN/GaN on SiC Devices without a GaN Buffer Layer: Electrical and Noise Characteristics”.  The work got joint financial support from the Research Council of Lithuania (grant No. S-LL-19-1), the National Science Centre of Poland (grant no. 2017/27/L/ST7/03283), and the Foundation for Polish Science with European Union under the European Regional Development Fund (Nos. MAB/2018/9). Congratulations to the authors on the publication.


Projekto KOTERA-PLAZA pabaiga su pratęsimu

Šiandien oficiali didelės apimties projekto KOTERA-PLAZA pabaiga. Projektas ,,Kompaktiški terahercinės spinduliuotės plazmoniniai emiteriai’’ (Nr. 01.2.2-LMT-K-718-01-0047), finansuotas Lietuvos mokslų tarybos ,,Visuotinės dotacijos’’ programos rėmuose, buvo pradėtas vykdyti 2018 m. sausio mėn.  Atliktus darbus atskleidžia gausūs rezultatai: atpsaudinta per 15 straipsnių, pateiktos 2 patentinės paraiškos, apgintos 2 daktaro disertacijos, startavo interneto puslapis ir kitos veiklos. Dėl situacijos šalyje projekto veiklos yra pratęstos dar keliems mėnesiam, per kuriuos bus atlikti baigiamieji darbai. Sveikinimai visam kolektyvui.

Dr. Linas Minkevičius — LMA Jaunosios Akademijos narys

Terahercinės fotonikos laboratorijos vyresnysis mokslinis darbuotojas dr. Linas Minkevičius išrinktas LMA Naunosios Akademijos nariu. Nuoširdžiausi sveikinimai nuo kolektyvo. ”Lino pasiekimai kalba patys už save” – savo sveikinime rašo dr. Ignas Grigelionis ir su tuo negalima nesutikti.

Daugiau apie tai LMA naujienų puslapyje čia.