New paper by Rusnė Ivaškevičiūtė-Povilauskienė et. al just published in Light Science and Applications journal by Nature publishing group entitled ”Terahertz structured light: nonparaxial Airy imaging using silicon diffractive optics”. The work demonstrates the structured nonparaxial THz light in the form of Airy, Bessel, and Gaussian beams generated in a compact way using exclusively silicon diffractive optics prepared by femtosecond laser ablation technology. The structured THz light consistently outperforms the conventional one in resolution and contrast.
The findings open new frontiers of structured light applications in imaging and inverse scattering problems. Imaging of stacked graphene layers with THz Airy beam revealed potential to be applied for inspection of 2D materials quality.

The article is freely available under Open Access license and can be reached through the DOI address: